Certificate in Leadership
& Faith Change-making
It's possible to KNOW a lot about faith change-making.
Your Divine Calling is a call to action and impact. Whether it is at the idea stage, partially implemented or already creating the impact you desire, this course will leave you abundantly clear and empowered to take action.
You will exercise leadership effectively in your Divine Calling, leaving you fulfilled as you allow God to be expressed through you to those you are called to.
Throughout history, faith change-makers have brought fundamental innovations to our world, for the good of all.
Today, faith change-makers are needed more than ever.
This is a leadership course specifically designed for faith change-makers.
Faith change-makers step forward to provide solutions for life’s most pressing problems, based on the call of God in their lives. The first five modules focus on the practical nuts and bolts of faith change-making. The last two modules are about inner development, specifically forgiveness and meditation. All seven modules are designed to build and blend with each other to transform the faith change-maker.
Participants who complete the course receive two certificates: a certificate in The Map of Meaning and a Certificate in Leadership and Faith Change-making.
Introduction to Faith Change-making
Introduces the subject matter and emphasises the urgent need to respond to the Divine Calling.
Introduction to The Map of Meaning
Helps you discover the meaning of your life as you respond to your Divine Calling.
Why Leaders Must Take a Stand in Life
Emphasizes that part of the search for solutions is taking a stand.
The Foundational Factors of Leadership
This module grounds you in the most important aspect of leadership: integrity. Without integrity, nothing works.
Creating a Created Future
Focuses on how to create the future you wish to see and how to bring others into this created future.
Forgiveness and Change-making
Nothing must stand in the way: leaders must forgive themselves and others in order to keep moving forward.
Meditation for Faith Change-makers
A Community Event designed to tap into the Divine, strengthen human connection and leverage the power of community.
Rising faith change-makers sure of their Divine Calling,
but unsure of how to start.
Faith change-makers who have already have their feet in the water.
You may be stuck or uncertain about the next steps.
These are established faith change-makers.
You have been at it for one to three years. Somewhere along the line, something stopped you or you are looking to be more strategic in your faith change-making.
Daniel Kamanga is the Founder and CEO of the South African-based Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation.
Lani Morris is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Map of Meaning International (based in New Zealand.
Prof. Margaret Oloko is a Director on the Board of the Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation and former Dean of the School of Business at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya.
Valile Dwayi is the Vice Chairman of the Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation. He is also Head of the Directorate of Short Learning Programs at Walter Sisulu University.
Rev. Dr. Eileen L. Epperson is based in the USA and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister on February 11, 1990, the day Nelson Mandela was released from prison. She is a grief and forgiveness coach.
Apostle Dr. Ono Abada is the Senior Pastor of LifeGate Assembly for All Nations in Sandton, South Africa. He was CEO of South Africa-Niger Delta Investment Council before going into full-time ministry.
The course was designed by top academics from leading African universities, theologians and marketplace leaders from Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Malawi and Nigeria. They include partners from the three partner organizations: the Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation, the Lake Malawi Anglican University, and the Theological Education by Extension in Zambia. The course includes an Introduction to The Map of Meaning, a personal development program originating in New Zealand which has been delivered globally for over 20 years.
The course design was supported by Trinity Church Wall Street Philanthropies. After the course was tested with an initial cohort of 100 participants, it was refined with a smaller group. In the first two years, approximately 1,000 faith change-makers were trained.
The vision of the university is to be a leading institution of higher education, nationally and internationally recognized for the transformation of lives of people and leadership through innovative, rigorous and compassionate approach to education and the provision of quality services, built on fundamental biblical principles and values.
The vision of the Theological Education by Extension in Zambia is to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian Service.
The Map of Meaning contributes to the well-being of humanity, creating meaningful lives, work and workplaces.
The vision of the Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation is to transform leadership as the key driver of an Africa that works for everyone.
This course is based on adult learning principles.
First, it does not feel like a course. We gather a cohort of participants at various stages of faith change-making. The Course Leaders facilitate the gathering, holding the space for transformative conversations. The Course Leaders are subject-matter experts, and they blend the course material with issues raised by participants to address real, current challenges (and opportunities), making for an impactful experience.
The Course Leaders navigate complex group dynamics and conversations to help each faith change-maker realize their purpose. They encourage the group to push the boundaries of what’s possible. The cohort comes away with innovative ways of bringing their faith change-making projects to life or taking them to a whole new level.
Using ontological and inquiry methodologies, the Course Leaders focus on the being, not merely the knowing, of faith change-making. The inquiry methodology helps faith change-makers create an awareness of where they are looking or listening from. Most of the Divine Assignments are complex and demand multiple interventions: we use multiple lenses from which to see possibilities. Faith change-makers inquire into the possibility of resolving intersectional, complex and persistent social problems.
I did the Faith Change-makers course during my last year in university; it was a busy time for me, but my mom insisted that I find time for it. I am so grateful for the impact the course has had in my life, especially the two modules on integrity and forgiveness. Integrity has built me to be a trusted leader in Society of Anglican Students at university. The module on integrity helped me to be accountable and become a role model for my fellow members and students. Forgiveness has enabled me to let go of bitterness. It is now easier not to keep grudges or resentment when someone hurts me. This gives me the space to create the life I want for myself and make a commitment to help others.
The Faith Change-makers course was exciting. I was and am still delighted that I attended, especially the sessions of leadership, integrity,The Map of Meaning, forgiveness and meditation. I totally have a new perspective on leadership and my conclusion is that leadership is critical to personal and community development. I have since committed to training 500 faith leaders in the next three years. I will also create a foundation that sponsors girls' education and raises leaders at early stage of life. I immediately started using aspects of forgiveness during my counselling sessions. Indeed, life is about making a difference.
The Faith Change-makers course came at a very opportune time for me. I had watched many youths caught and destroyed in the devastating web of drugs. My own family has a first-hand experience with drug abuse: the situation in the family compelled me to do something. It was during the course that it became clear I am called to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. The course helped me to set aside every excuse. I thought some things were not do-able, but my eyes were opened to the possibility of a faith change-making journey that involves working with juvenile prisons in South Africa. The course empowered me to live my life anew, committed to making a positive impact in someone else's life.
Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation